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What is the new season wedding color?
Pantone test charts. You use them to check the colors of printed papers / paintwork et cetera.

Burnt Orange, Rust and Terracotta.

Did someone say Orange? According to Pinterest they predict these to be the upcoming colors for this year, 2023.

This is the research behind the predication, according to Pinterest.

“So long, something blue. Hues of terracotta, copper and burnt sienna will be frequent guests at weddings this year. Based on rising searches from Millennials and Gen X, you’ll see this smoldering color everywhere in 2023, from floral arrangements to bridesmaid dresses.

Burnt orange wedding theme +695%

Terracotta wedding bridesmaid dresses +230%

Orange wedding centerpieces +150%

Copper saree +285%

Orange dress outfit wedding +285%

What is behind this trend?

Orange is associated with optimism, adventure and creativity. As people plan for sentimental moments in their lives—like weddings—it’s no surprise they’re bringing a color with such sentimental significance into the spotlight. Pastels as a wedding staple? We object.”

This to me was fascinating when I thought about the generational side of the color choice. The Millennials and Gen X have values far different from previous generations, this is seen in Gen X as they are the most ethnically diverse generation on the planet to date.

They grew up in classrooms with peers of all different cultural backgrounds and find diversity and inclusion to be quite normal and natural.

When we put these all together, we can see why Orange could be the trend.

We will await to see if this does indeed become the new color trend.

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